Robert deMaine


Robert deMaine

Robert is principal cellist of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and was a founding member of the Ehnes String Quartet. He was the first cellist to win the grand prize at San Francisco’s Irving M. Klein International Competition. As soloist, he has collaborated with many distinguished conductors, including Neeme Järvi, Peter Oundjian, Joseph Silverstein, and Leonard Slatkin, and has performed nearly all the major cello concertos with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, where he served as principal cello for over a decade. Robert has also held faculty positions at the Colburn School and the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, Italy. He studied at the Curtis Institute, Juilliard School, Eastman School, University of Southern California, Yale, and the Kronberg Academy in Germany.

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Past performances featuring Robert deMaine:

Upcoming performances featuring Robert deMaine:

Notable Insight: Oboe Quartet

November 15, 2024

Fall Chamber Concert

November 17, 2024

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